SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF)


SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF) is an Ajax powered modal dialog contact form plugin for WordPress.

It is built on the jQuery JavaScript library and uses the jQuery SimpleModal plugin.

Please visit the WordPress SMCF Plugin page to download as well as for information regarding installation, FAQ’s, screenshots, etc.


For SMCF v1.2.2+

Italian (Gianni Diurno)
French (E Neuville, ICS-INFORMATIQUE)
Portuguese (Vitor Borges)
German (Mika)
Polish (Tomek Nowak)

For SMCF v1.2 – v1.2.1

Italian (Gianni Diurno)
German (Nathalie)

281 thoughts on “SimpleModal Contact Form (SMCF)”

  1. Hi

    Excellent work. I have installed your plugin and everything works. However, like others, the email I receive has a bizarre subject. Example: “=??B?bXkgc3Vi?=”

    Any idea what is up?


  2. @Joyde – I need to update the plugin to prevent that. In the meantime, you can open smcf_data.php and comment out the following line:

    $subject = "=?$charset?B?" . base64_encode($subject) . "?=\n";

    The problem is that your instance of PHP does not have mb_encode_mimeheader enabled. So having that enabled would be another way to fix the issue.

  3. Hey Eric. I’m having an issue again and I’m not sure what the deal is. I’ve tried everything I can think of from including the simplemodal jquery plugin as a standalone (apart from the SMCF plugin) to disabling an enabling in endless combinations. I’m not sure if SMCF is in conflict with the other jQuery stuff I’m doing or what. But the form will not pop open.

    If you have a minute and are willing, I would deeply appreciate any thoughts you might have: – thanks for the endless support you seem to give on this plugin šŸ™‚

  4. @Joel – hello! Good to hear from you. I checked out your site – the new design is really nice, congratulations!

    As for the SMCF problems – I’m getting 2 JS errors when I load your site, which are probably what is causing SMCF to not work.

    missing } after property list
    /js/ Line 12
    $("#photoGallery").flickr is not a function
    / Line 66

    It looks like the error is being caused by the api_key setting in the file. Try quoting the api_key value and see if that helps.

  5. Hi Mr. Eric

    I take your plugin and translate to Turkish for more people can use this good job but i don’t use it.

    I use 2 way too. Function and smfc link but i saw to 404 Page. Dırırın… Not Found…


    Ä°f you want another information i can give it and i take to you my translation when i’m start to use it because Turkish people come to me when they have a problem but i won’t be use.

    Ä°t will be laught… :))

    Ä°f you can send my mail your answer will be more good. I will be waiting…

    Thanks Again

  6. @immortalance – I need to localize SMCF and once I’ve done that, I’d love to have a Turkish translation.

    As for SMCF not working on your site…I don’t see any of the SMCF files being loaded. Please make sure you’ve activated the plugin, and gone through the Settings. You also need to make sure that your theme uses the wp_head() and wp_footer functions.

  7. @Birkalem – it looks like the issue might be because you have multiple version of jQuery loading. Can you prevent the older version from loading? It looks like it is coming from your theme.

    I’d suggest upgrading jQuery in your theme and then disabling the version that SMCF loads (in the SMCF settings).

  8. Hi there. One quick question: does your plugin work with SMTP? mail() is not available for everyone, you know. šŸ™‚
    Thank you.

  9. i have tried that method, but SMCF does not work when i try to combine simplemodal.js and smcf.js with jquery.js in my theme in a single PHP file. r there any suggestion for that?

  10. Eric, I’d like to make the changes in the code to have the modal box close by itself after the email is sent, but the most recent release of your plugin doesn’t include a file named smcf_javascript.php , where you point out the changes to be made in comments from last February and March. I’ve also looked for that function in other files; have you changed the file names? Where can I add the code to have the modal box self close? Thanks – Mark

  11. Eric, I’m getting this error that FireBug is showing:
    jQuery(“div.wpcf7 > form”).ajaxForm is not a function
    Line 5

    I’m assuming that something may be conflicting with my theme since it is JQuery too. I have updated and I’m using latest version of plugin. Can you help? I see someone else had this problem above, but it didn’t require an answer because they figured it out on their own. Thanks…

  12. @songdogtech – that file is now js/smcf.js. Let me know if you can’t get it working.

    @Andy – any relation to Kirby šŸ˜‰ Anyway, you are asking about Contact Form 7, which was written by someone else. I looked at your site and didn’t see the error, so I’m guessing you got it resolved.

  13. There’s no “complete” function in smcf.js; I’m guessing it’s now either “close” or “success” in the newer version. I don’t know javascript well enough to splice things together! If you could point out where to add the complete function or how to modify the newer functions for automatically closing the dialog box after the email is sent, I’d appreciate it. – Mark

  14. @songdogtech – you are correct, it is now the success function.

    Something like the following should work:

    success: function (data) {
    	jQuery('#smcf-container .smcf-loading').fadeOut(200, function () {
    		jQuery('#smcf-container .smcf-title').html('Thank You!');
    		jQuery('#smcf-container .smcf-message').html(data + '
    Closing in 3 seconds...').fadeIn(200); setTimeout('jQuery.modal.close()', 3000); }); },
  15. Eric, That new “success” function doesn’t want to self-close…and I don’t know enough Javascript to figure it out. If you want to take a stab at it, I’d appreciate it. Thanks, Mark

  16. Eric, My bad – that new success function does work OK. I needed to dump caches or something, but it works now! Thanks, Mark

  17. Hi there,

    I’m having a little problem understanding some. On settings page it asks for a contact link url – I thought this was meant to be a link to another page if the person didn’t have javascript and couldn’t use the pop-up. I created a page and put the code:

    on it but I just get another link to the javascript popup.

    Am I misunderstanding part of what the plugin does? Is it only a pop-up?

  18. @songdogtech – glad you got it working.

    @Hazel – SMCF is only the Ajax modal/popup dialog. The contact link URL is there for the purpose you mentioned, but SMCF does not have the feature of creating a non-JavaScript contact form. This is something that I’m considering adding in a future version.

  19. Great plugin mate. Only one thing.. at -> left sidebar & “Contact”. All works great, but theres this white line between the header and the first input line, which I cant get rid of. Dunno if theres some conflict between my WP-theme & the SMCF..

  20. @malenami – it is being caused by h1, body .entry .title style in your theme. To override it, add border:0; to #smcf-container h1 style in smcf.css. You should end up with:

    #smcf-container h1 {border:0; color:#d76300; margin:0; padding:0 0 6px 12px; font-size:1.2em; text-align:left;}
  21. Hi Eric,

    The Contact Form that you have presented in your Demo is not working on my Local Machine and on my Server. Note: My Website is not powered by Word Press. So i mean do your scripts only work with Word Press, because i really like the contact form that you have presented in the Demo and i would like to integrate it in my Website. So please help me with this.

  22. Please Eric,

    I really want to integrate your Contact Form (Demo) in my website. I would appreciate if you can help me with this issue. I mean i have downloaded your Contact From, but it is not working on my local machine and on my server. When i click on the Demo Button in the Index.html file, nothing is happening. It is like the demo button is not working at all as nothing is happening when i click on the demo button in the Index.html

    Please i need your help. Regards.

  23. Thank you for your help Eric. I changed some code and now the contact form is working perfectly on my website. Thank you once again.

  24. We had so much problems with Contact 7, the other guys, that’s why we switched to you, thanks, the form looks great.


  25. Hello Eric, I was wondering if you could help me out? I have recently installed your (smcf) and for some reason it did not populate my pages with the necessary code. I proceeded to pick through other sites to see what my site was missing to make your script work and did so with the exception of my mail being sent. With further research I realized that my form should have received a personal token value, the one that is there now is the one that came with the form I took of someoneā€™s page. I guess my question to you is how do I get my own or can I just get rid of the token code all together??? My URLā€¦

  26. Hey Eric,
    Thank you for the complements on my form and my hatā€™s off to you for this great script. My apologies in bothering you again but the problem I am having is the fact that I donā€™t get any emails. When I try and send an email the message given back to me is ā€œunfortunately your message could not be verifiedā€. What I feel may be the problem is the token code belongs to someone else, the plug in did not generate me one so I picked at other peoples scripts to get to where I am at now. I was wondering how can I get my own token value or is it possible to just get rid of the token code? Again thank you for all your help.

  27. @martin – were you able to get it working? The token code is generated based on values from your site, so that should not be the problem. You *could* remove the token, but I suggest leaving it.

  28. I’m having trouble getting the contact form to work properly. It shows up and everything, but neither the closing “X” nor the “cancel” button work or work properly. If you have time, have a look at my page and click on ‘Contact Us!’ on the right to open the contact form. I’m not sure how to fix it, if you have any suggestions. Thanks.

  29. @Dave – I took a look at your page, and it looks like the error is coming from the sikbox js file. The error doesn’t seem to happen until the modal dialog opens.

    The problem is with this code:


    The $ needs to be jQuery.

  30. @Matt – interesting…so, the Collapsing Categories plugin was not working and then you upgraded SMCF and now the Collapsing Categories plugin works?

    Were you getting any JavaScript errors? I’ll have to try it out and see if I can reproduce the problem…

  31. It was a javascript error, but that’s way out of my depth, so I’m afraid I couldn’t be much more help. The other plugin worked with the animation turned off, but when I turned it on worked at all.

  32. I don’t use any js files for the sikbox search form. It pulls from the Sikbox site. Am I not able to use both the Sikbox and SMCF?

    1. @Dave – I’ve contacted Sikbox and asked them to fix their JS file. Until it is fixed, you can edit your theme and add the following, right before </head>:

      <script type="text/javascript">
      window.$ = jQuery;
  33. Hello,

    I have a problem with this fantastic plugin, hope you can help me to solve it.
    When I try to send a message, the following error appears: “500: internal server error”.

    I’ve already had problems with ajax powered plugins, but I never found a solution.

    I followed all your instruction, my server is Linux. PHP version 5.2.8

    You can see the error entering my website, click on “contattaci” and trying to send an email.

    Thanks a lot!


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